Sự kiện

Faculty of Mechanics

1. Automotive Technology (key occupation at Asian regional level)

2. Metal Cutting Industry  (key occupation at International level)

3. Mechatronics (key occupation trained according to collaborative program with Federal Republic of Germany)

4. Mechanical Equipment Installation

5. Welding  

6. Construction Engineering

Faculty of Electricity

1. Control Engineering and Automation Technology

2. Industrial Electricity (key occupation at International level)

3. Industrial Electronics 

4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering (key occupation at Asian regional level)

Faculty of Information Technology

1. Computer Repair and Assembly Technology

2. Computer Programming

3. Computer Network Administration

4. Graphic Design

6. Applied Informatics

Faculty of Construction

1. Construction Engineering Technology

2. Road and Bridge Construction 

3. Architectural Engineering Technology

4. Architectural Drawing

Faculty of Economics, Tourism and Fashion Industry

1. Business Accounting

2. Administrative Accounting

3. Fashion Garment Industry

4. Restaurant Businesses (key occupation at National level)

5. Restaurant Management (key occupation at National level)

6. Tourism Management MICE

7. Hotel Management

8. Banking & Finance

9. Business Administration


2022 © An Giang Vocational College

Address: 841, Tran Hung Dao Street, Binh Khanh Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province.

Phone: 02963.953,739 (Administration Department) - 02963.852.538 (Admissions Department)

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  • Hôm nay: 1313
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