Sự kiện
Mission, Vision and Core values

Development Perspective 

- The development planning of An Giang Vocational College must be consistent with the requirements of renovating the operation mechanism of public non-business units according to the Party's viewpoints and guidelines, and the State's policies and laws.

-Arranging and consolidating the entire system to be streamlined, synchronous and unified in order to improve operational efficiency and maximizing the resources (facilities, staff, lecturers, etc.)

- Building and developing An Giang Vocational College aiming at serving the socio-economic development of An Giang province, the Mekong Delta region and the whole country.

- Developing quickly, strongly and firmly the College to become a vocational education and training institution that trains high-quality human resources meeting the demand of the labor market;

- Combining training with providing services, applying, and transferring science and technology in agriculture, industry, tourism, health care, culture and art to develop and meet social needs;

- Bringing into play potentials and advantages, taking advantage of opportunities of the era of international integration, expanding cooperation with domestic and international educational institutions to develop. 


- An Giang Vocational College is a vocational education institution providing multi-disciplinary and multi-system training services with high quality providing

the workforce for industrialization and modernization of the country as well as labor export, creating favorable learning opportunities for students and employees. 


- Investing in improving its capacity and quality to become a training institution that plays a leading role in the system of vocational education institutions of the province. Building An Giang Vocational College into the one with a friendly environment, enough competitiveness and integration to meet the expectations of the stakeholders by providing the best programs and services. By 2025, An Giang Vocational College will have become an advanced and modern high-quality vocational education institution.

Core values

Identified as "Creative – Self-Confident - Dynamic - Practical".


2022 © An Giang Vocational College

Address: 841, Tran Hung Dao Street, Binh Khanh Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province.

Phone: 02963.953,739 (Administration Department) - 02963.852.538 (Admissions Department)

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  • Đang online: 35
  • Hôm nay: 1250
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  • Tất cả: 2564540