Sự kiện
Messages from the Rector of An Giang Vocational College

First of all, on behalf of the Party Committee, the Board of Directors and all officers, lecturers, staff, and students of An Giang Vocational College, I would like to send best wishes for good health, happiness and success to all parents and students who have been interested in the school's activities during the past time. Thank the parents and students who have trusted and chosen An Giang Vocational College for "Learning, practicing" and "Starting a business firmly with a bright future".

anh tin bai

An Giang Vocational College has undergone more than 50 years of establishment and development, with new and modern invested facilities and equipment, in line with the actual production requirements in the market; The school campus is spacious and airy, with a multi-purpose gymnasium, mini football fields and a spacious and clean dormitory; Management staffs, lecturers, and staff meet the quality, quantity and are reasonable in structure; proper in qualifications, good in expertise, enthusiastic and good in professional ethics and wholehearted in jobs.

With the school's mission: "Training workforce with good ethics, competence, job-loving, creativity, adapting to the domestic and international working environment”, with a sense of “lifelong learning" and the core value system "Creative – Self-Confident - Dynamic - Practical". An Giang Vocational College continues to maintain the quality of training, constantly and strongly innovates in all aspects to better meet the needs of learners, the expectations of society in the new context of the digital economy and globalization. In the period of 2021-2025, the College will focus on a number of key tasks, as follows:

1. Continuing to implement the Digital Transformation Project into the teaching-learning process and the school administration; national and international integration and system connection; publicity, clarification, security, safety.

2. Developing professions, contents and programs in the direction of multi-level and multi-disciplinary training to meet the needs of society; renewing the system of curricula, teaching materials, setting up a digital library to meet the requirements of the school's mission. Minimizing the time of learning theory in classroom and gradually switching to online teaching. Increasing the time of practical training at the workshops and dual training at the enterprises; establishing vocational skill councils and career ambassadors.

3. Taking initiative in integrating internationally in training, fostering and scientific research. Raising the knowledge of technology in training activities, accessing and applying of high technology in a number of key occupations.

4. Continuing to foster the administrative staff and teachers with high professional qualifications, political skills and professional ethics to meet the requirements of international integration.

5. Promoting communication, enrollment, strengthening to survey the needs for human resource from enterprises, stepping up the forecasting of human resource needs, developing new majors and occupations to meet the labor market demand 

With the above spirit, I hope that parents and students will accompany the school to make the mission come true. 

Welcome to An Giang Vocational College, which is the right choice for future parents and students.

Nguyễn Thanh Hải

Secretary of the Party Committee - Rector of An Giang Vocational College


2022 © An Giang Vocational College

Address: 841, Tran Hung Dao Street, Binh Khanh Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province.

Phone: 02963.953,739 (Administration Department) - 02963.852.538 (Admissions Department)

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